Mindful Therapy
Mindful Therapy

Clinical Supervision

I currently provide clinical supervision for therapists: integrating their current paradigm/approach with a Relationally informed philosophical stance.


I am a UKCP registered Clinical Supervisor.


I would also offer insights based upon mindfulness and embodiment approaches - including a 'focusing' approach - & contemporary CBT approaches to enhance their practice.


I have worked as a clinical supervisor, long term, with person centered/humanistic therapists, with a psychodynamic therapist and with CBT therapists. Whatever the orientation my way of working invites a return to 'what is happening in the room?', 'what is happening in your body/ what is the felt sense of being-with your client' as well as offering insights that traverse modalities. I like to invite us to consider what actual experiences our theories might relate to.


Fees are £75 per therapeutic hour

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